>>> 2023 Schedule and results as match is completed

+ + New Hampshire Silhouette Match Schedule, Results, Past and Present + +

2023 NH Silhouette Season  (last updated 6/23/2023 as results are collected from prior events)  Updated, no regional. April 30 PEMI LAR May ...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Test post soliciting comments.

For the upcoming Thanksgiving Postal Match (TPM) I want to have a harder look at why folks tell me they cannot post on this blog.  I have it wide open on the settings so anyone from anywhere can post.  Yet still there are no comments.  I see other blogs with tons of comments.  It actually gets a bit messy.  I think I might move comments on the postal match to either a YahooGroup or a GoogleGroup.  I invite opinion.

So, please make a comment about the color of the sky.  If you are a heavy internet user and have experience with either YahooGroup or GoogleGroup, I would invite you to comment on the pros and cons of either.

Let the comments begin.  There have been over 11,000 views of this website so I know someone is looking at it.



  1. Thanks for the blog. I've enjoyed it.

  2. Thanks Joe. It seems to work. And I am going to assume you are not a "follower", just an "general public" person. I just don't know what others are doing when they say they cannot post.

  3. I have never tried posting a comment. Being such a Silouette newbie.
    This blog has tons of great info, I dug through it over the summer and practiced, practiced, practiced. Both with air rifle and the.22.
    Went to my first shoot in NH and scored a 24 first on the first run (with 10 piggies). Happy dance.
    Second run a 21 . Not bad I think? That's in club rifle.

    Anyway.... great blog great info, ..... now to punch holes in paper turkeys!!

  4. Well, that is ugly. Mr. Anonymous with 10 pigs. I deleted your comment only because it was a duplicate to the first. Looked like a fast double click. I was not intending to sensor anyone. Glad you have found it useful. There are a qty of nuggets in here. Some day I will work on using TAGS to better organize things. For now it is a bit of a mish mash that just has to be skimmed or read if the topic is of interest. Thanks for the kind words.

  5. when i push publish it doesnt do it

  6. Still having a hard time making a comment

  7. Jud your gonna have to school me on how to comment! Rick B

  8. Crazy. You are a follower and you can't comment as a "follower" just as an "anonymous". Well, at least you can post a comment. You will just have to end with Rick B. Get that airgun sorted yet for the TPM? Looking at a Tuesday night for 10m air at the club. Pistol has all but filled the 8 spots.

  9. I cant start another hobby Jud although it does look fun! Indoor archery is just starting up so ill be busy with that. Rick B

  10. Hi, Dad. Comments are working. Typewriters are cool. :P

  11. I am.........ANNIE NIMUS
